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I am a simple country girl who loves life and lives it to the fullest. I cook for one of the greatest families ever. Cooking is my passion and I consider it as well to be my gift.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Facebook has become a very important part of my life. The thing I like about it the most is that I have reconnected with old friends from all walks of life. My Mama Joe always said don't let the weeds grow up on the path to a friends house. She was a very wise woman.

Yesterday I recieved a package in the mail from Alaska and my good friend Eb Pope had taken the time to send me two Alaska based cookbooks. I am overwhelmed with his generosity and took the time to set down and look at one of them and it has made me smile and laugh. The author, J. Stephen Lay, lived in Alaska for 26 years and edited food publications at the Cooperative Extension Service at the Univesity of Alaska Fairbanks. The book is entitled "What Real Alaskans Eat-Not Your Ordinary Cookbook"; and believe me it is not by any means ordinary. Entertaining, Inspiring, and Educational are my pick of names for this work of culinary art.

Thank you so much Eb for sharing and trust me when I say I will make it up to you with a handwritten cookbook of your own, by me, just for you and your family. It may take me a year to write it but you will get it.

1. Mix a light brine.
2. Thoroughly wash the beaver tail with the brine.
3. Mix four quarts water, the vinegar, and two tablespoons salt.
4. Soak beaver tail overnight in water, vinegar brine.
5. The next morning, drain the beaver tail, wash, and cover with 2 quarts fresh water, plus the soda.
6. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 10 minutes.
7. Drain, pat dry, and place beaver in roasting pan.
8. Salt and pepper the tail.
9. Cover with sliced onions and bacon.
10. Cover pan and bake at 375 degrees until tender.

"Oh, by the way...You may notice that I haven't given serving guidelines for how many people each recipe feeds. There is a perfectly valid reason. I don't know. The best answer is, it depends. Who are you serving?
Most of these recipes will feed 24 to 30 supermodels for a week. With the exception of the "World's Best Brussels Sprouts Recipe," four to six American eaters should finish most at one sitting. (Don't get me going on brussels sprouts!)
This rule of thumb will not apply if you are an Alaskan, it's been 50 below zero for a week, the car won't start, you're almost out of firewood, and the electricity is flickering on and off. In that case, the recipe might feed two or three of you.
Ignore everything I said if you're feeding a teenager. If you have a teenager at the table, double the recipe. Keep in mind that young moose is more tasty and tender, but a large moose feeds more people. Even a teenager will have trouble finishing a moose in one sitting."-J. Stephen Lay

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