Thursday, December 23, 2010


Bite into one of these tasty little morsels and your taste buds will do the 'happy dance'! As my hero Justin Wilson use to say...'I gar-on-tee it. 

1 (12oz.) pkg. vanilla wafers, crushed ( I put them in a large zip-lock bag and beat them with my meat mallet)
1 (1 lb.) pkg. confectioners sugar
1 cup chopped pecans
1 (6 oz.) can frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed
1 stick butter, softened
1 cup flaked coconut
Mix the vanilla wafers, confectioners sugar and pecans in a bowl. Add the orange juice concentrate and butter. Stir until well mixed. Shape into bite-size balls. Spread the coconut on a plate. Roll the balls in the coconut. Store in an airtight container and chill until ready to serve.
Yield: 4 to 6 dozen depending on the size of the balls.

COOKS NOTE: Dip your hands in cold water now and then when rolling out these balls to prevent sticky fingers.

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