Friday, December 17, 2010


I would like to think my readers for their support of my blog since December of 2009 when I first traveled down the bloggers path. In celebration of my year long journey I am hosting a Christmas Giveaway.

Two copies of The Culinary Institute of America's 'A TAVOLA!'; RECIPES AND REFLECTIONS ON TRADITIONAL ITALIAN HOME COOKING will be awarded. All you need to do to enter the contest is comment on this post and click on the LIKE application. If you are not a FOLLOWER I would appreciate it you would take the time to become one. Two winners will be announced on Christmas Eve. Good Luck!




  1. OOOOOOO, am I the first to comment on this contest? :) woooooo hooo!

  2. Yes I have loved your blog since I found you on Face book. I love cooking and read cookbooks like others read novels. I read every recipe you post and have tried several. I wish I had more time to cook. Someday I hope to retire and do that.

  3. lol Barbie!! im number3! im number3! Not sure if that counts, but what the hey, i ll take it!! Cold in Alaska this week, so spent a lot of time inside decorating the house. Made cookies, fudge and divinity. Made snowflakes and curtains and a dollhouse. LOVE Christmas time activities and food! Merry Christmas Adele. You are an inspiration to me.


  4. just love your recipes and have for a long time. Thanks for taking the time to post them for us to enjoy them with you. Have a Christmas full of the blessings of the Lord, and looking forward to see who gets these great give aways.
    Deborah Calhoun

  5. If you love these cookbooks I'm sure I would love them too. I would love one of your's too! Anyway, hope you and Larry have a great Christmas!

  6. The winners are Julia and Ann..Ann, without your last name I am not sure who you are because I have several Ann's as friends, so if you see this send me your address to my FB Inbox...and congraulations girls...and I appreciate everyone who took the time to comment.
