Sunday, October 24, 2010

LOVE LETTERS-PART 3 BIG PAUL & LITTLE JOE 1914-1924 By: Adele Forbes

The dictionary defines the word 'commitment' as follows: a pledge or promise; obligation.
My maternal grandparents, Paul Madison Vance and Effie Joe Wright, were committed to each other not only through their entire married life, but for the 10 years that they 'courted'  one another from 1914 to 1924.
In these modern times that we now live in, commitment can be a rarity not only amongst people who are married to one another, but through many other facets of life in the busy rush of our day to day activities. Their commitment to one another continues to shine through in these phenomenal letters.

November 29th, 1921; Guntersville, Alabama

"Paul Vance" I had one of the most overwhelming surprises this evening I have ever had in life if you had come yourself unexpected would not have been any greater surprise, but listen before I go one line further it was the grandest & most highly appreciated surprise I have ever had-you know what it is-and all I can say is-Paul I think it is a perfect lovely suit and every piece an ideal fit. The boots-O!-they are so nice and I could not have gone myself and got a more perfect fit-the trousers are perfect in length also in waist measure.
Otis Duran came over at noon and said "Joe you have a large package over home, said I would have brought it, but just wanted to agrivate you for awhile, everyone in the family guessed "candy", of course I have no idea what it could be." Otise's father brought the package & said, "Miss Joe I have to be first to get sight of the contents as its from Orange, Texas."
They all thought it so nice they wanted me to dress immediately, saddle my horse & make my picture, but I could not do that as I was not dolled up one bit to correspond with the suit.
You can imagine how proud I am of it-when I'm the only girl anywhere around (even in town) to have a real English riding suit. I have an idea if I was to put my whole outfit on every body far & near would stare their heads & eyes out & twist their heads off looking and tire their tongues making comments. Guess I better hush before I have to pay express on this letter-ho ho.
Paul I can't tell you how much I appreciate the lovely present with this pen, accept my thanks and a good night-your little girl.

The riding suit and boots are in my possession and I have often thought I should turn them over to the Avery County Museum, but I have just not been able to part with them as of yet.  On her deathbed she called for me to come, that she had something she wanted me to have. She instructed me to go to Sugar Mountain Nursery in Newland, NC which was their old home place through their married years, and ask Wayne &  Molly Holden for her old trunk which was stored upstairs. They graciously allowed me to have it. She told me that there was something in it that she wanted me to have and that I would know what it was when I saw it. Upon inspection of the said trunk, I found not only her wedding dress, but silk shawls and pocketbooks, hair pins and ribbons, an assortment of clothes all from stores in New York City where they had went on their honeymoon. And then my heart skipped a beat as I took into my hands a black silk crocheted dress (see through) with silk cords hanging from the sleeves and hem. She had told me that she used to wear it to have 'fun'. I knew instantly that it was meant for me, her youngest and most headstrong granddaughter, to wear as I seemed fit. It looks today as it has looked since 1925. I have worn it on numerous occasions through the years and admit to feeling 'special' in it each time I donned it, whether for 'fun' or as my Halloween outfit (with a black slip and black fishnet stockings). A special gift from a special woman who knew that I would most definitely wear it.

December 20, 1923: 1 PM; Smackover, Arkansas

Miss Joe Wright, Guntersville, Alabama
Dear Miss Wright,
I am writing you like I have known you always, as Paul Vance my pal is very sick with typhoid Phneumonia and I know you would like to hear from him, he is at my home in my and my wifes care and we are giving him every aid possible. I will let you know from time to time how he is getting along. This letter is at his request.
Your and his friend,
Walter Nelson
D.B. McDaniels Drilling Company
Smackover, Arkansas

"I could not, at any age, be content to take my place by the fireside and simply look on. Life was meant to be lived. Curiosity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life."~Eleanor Roosevelt

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