Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Pizza pie...it can be round..it can be square..it can be a figure eight..pie r round..cornbread r square..not always though..

I prefer my own pizza. In my time I have had a lot of different pizza experiences. May I say that I always wander back to mine. Like a cow to water. Like a dog to a bone...need I say more?

I prefer the homemade sausage to the hamburger that is in the freezer but Larry normally wins out to the hamburger...is it just me or is it all of us "Southern Women", who were raised to take care of your man, that feels this way? I am going to work on getting over that!

That being said, turn your oven to 400 degrees. Get out your blackest baking sheet. Open up a roll of refrigerated pizza dough and then commence to pat it out a little at a time until you are almost covering all surfaces. Prick it with a fork like you would a pie crust. That's right! Pour a thin layer of olive oil over the crust and take a pastry brush to it or the back of a big spoon, spreading all around. Place in the oven for 5 to 8 minutes, just let it get a little frisky, then pour some store-bought pizza sauce over it, however much you like...we like a happy amount.
Cover with a thin layer of grated mozzarella cheese. Let set while you prepare squares of green, red, and yellow bell pepper; sliced mushrooms (which I barely saute out in a little olive oil or butter); place these strategically over the sauce. Top with all the mozzarella you can get your hands on....Place in 375 degree oven and bake for 20 minutes...check it at this point and if you think it is ready, have at it, or let it cook for 5 more minutes. Enough said.

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