Friday, March 5, 2010


Break out your finest glassware when serving this ruby hued beverage that packs its own punch!

1 (12oz.) can frozen cranberry juice concentrate, thawed and diluted
1 (7.5oz.) bottle frozen lemon juice, thawed
1 (6oz.) can frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed and diluted
1 (6oz.) can frozen pineapple juice concentrate, thawed and diluted
2 cups brandy
2 (750-milliliter) bottles champagne, thawed and diluted, chilled

Combine first 5 ingredients, stirring until blended. Chill mixture. To serve, pour mixture into punch bowl, and add champagne. Add an ice ring or ice.
Yield: 5 quarts

"Sunshine has no budget, the sea no red tape."~Jareb Teague

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