Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Oh baby! is what you will be saying after you have had a bite of this....I love ham and cheese and mustard and french toast...put it all together and it equals unbridled love in my eyes...

12 slices sandwich bread, I use low carb wheat
1/4 cup mustard
12 slices ham
6 slices whatever cheese you like or have on hand
4 big eggs
2/3 cup milk

Spread mustard over 6 slices of bread. Top each one with ham,cheese and another ham slice, top with remaining slices of bread. The cheese is now nestled in the middle of the ham. I am starting to fill a little faint.

Whisk together eggs and milk and dip each sandwich into it coating both slices of bread.

Place sandwiches on a greased baking sheet with the sides not touching. Place another greased baking sheet over top of the sandwiches. Bake at 475 degrees 15 to 20 minutes until nice and golden. Eat um up now as quick as you can with a tall glass of milk!

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