Saturday, February 13, 2010


My first cooking job was at GGCC in the early 80's under the one and only Glen Hicks. He had been an Army cook and I learned many a valuable lesson under his watchful eye. The only lobster I had ever cooked was a live one in a pot of boiling water, and though I love lobster, I felt so sorry for it being cooked alive that I never cooked another. Glen taught me how to cook rock lobster tails and I have been smitten with them ever since. It's really a very simple procedure, so try it. I guarantee you will love it.

4 med. Rock lobster tails, frozen
1/4 c. butter, melted
2 tsp. lemon juice
salt and freshly ground pepper

Thaw Rock lobster tails and cut off the thin undershell with scissors. Bend tail back to crack shell to prevent curling. Combine melted butter and lemon juice, brush over lobster, sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Bake in 350 degree oven meat side up for 10 to 15 minutes or until meat has lost its transparency and is opaque. Serve immediately.
Serves: 2 to 4

"Infatuation is when you think he's as sexy as Robert Redford, as smart as Henry Kissinger, as noble as Ralph Nader, as funny as Woody Allen, and as athletic as Jimmy Conners. Love is when you realize that he's as sexy as Woody Allen, as smart as Jimmy Connors, as funny as Ralph Nader, as athletic as Henry Kissinger and nothing like Robert Redford - but you'll take him anyway"~Judith Viorst, Redbook, 1975

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