Monday, February 8, 2010

POOH'S GLOGG (Nov. 29th, 2009)

Scandinavians and Swedes especially enjoyed the celebration of Christmas. Friends, neighbors, and relatives would drop in for a cup of warm Glogg and a slice of Julekage (Scandinavian Christmas bread).

20 whole cloves
2 sticks cinnamon
1 cup water
2 qts. Burgundy-a good Burgundy
1 bottle port wine
1 cup brandy
1 cup light rum
1 cup raisins
2/3 cup slivered almonds
orange slices for garnish

Combine cloves, cinnamon, and water in medium saucepan. Bring to a boil; cover, reduce heat and simmer 30 minutes. Remove and discard spices. Combine spiced water, Burgundy, and remaining ingredients except orange slices in your largest pot; cook over low heat until thoroughly heated, but do not allow to boil. Garnish with orange slices. Yield: 14 cups...that should be enough to get her done!

"Tonight mother has had the great idea of making some Gløgg. It seems interesting enough for me to drink a whole pot of it."anon

Glogg is a holiday favorite in many Scandinavian cultures, where it is commonly served on St. Lucia's Day (December 13) or around Christmas time. Not surprisingly, the word "glogg" itself is of Scandinavian origin; it comes from Swedish and derives from the verb "glodga," meaning "to burn or mull." But although "glogg" may look like it should rhyme with that other notable holiday beverage -- "eggnog" -- the two aren't quite a perfect match. The "o" in "glogg" is usually pronounced as either the "oo" in "loot" or the "oo" in "foot," whereas "nog" is generally pronounced so that it rhymes with "grog," with the "o" pronounced as it is in "mop."

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