Saturday, January 30, 2010

READER'S INPUT-From "Cooking With Adele"; Avery Journal; Thurs., Nov.3, 1988

Mr. Rufus Henley of Newland says that his recipe for JIMMIE'S PIE is the best pie you'll ever sink your teeth into.

Beat 3 eggs. Add 1 1/4 cups sugar. Add 1 stick melted butter. Add 1 tsp. lemon extract. Add 1/4 cup buttermilk. Beat all the above with electric beater. Add 1 1/2 cups Baker's Flaky coconut. (Stir with fork.) Pour into unbaked pie shell. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 45 minutes. Cool and enjoy!

Mr. Don Storer of Land Harbor shared his SLAMON SOUP recipe. It's quick, simple, and delicious.

1 small can boneless salmon
1 can Campbell's Potato soup
1 soup can milk
Mix, heat and serve with Saltine's on a crisp fall day for a taste tempting treat.

Mrs. Ann Harmon of Linville makes several runs of SWEET VEGETABLE RELISH around this time every year. The reason being that she gives away as much as she keeps and it takes several batches to supply all of her family and friends.

1 lg. white head cabbage
12 lg. red sweet peppers
12 lg. green sweet peppers
8 large carrots
12 white onions
3/4 cup salt
1 1/2 qts. vinegar
4 cups sugar
3 Tbsp. mustard seed
3 Tbsp. celery seed
1/2 tsp. ground red pepper or if a "hotter" flavor is desired-a couple of pods of hot pepper, chopped
Grind or chop vegetables (A food processor would work beautifully here.) Mix with salt and let stand 3 hours. Mix sugar and vinegar and allow to stand while vegetables are. After the 3 hours, drain vegetables well. Ladle into hot steralized jars and seal. Yield: 11 pints

My son, Joshua, and I recently had the pleasure of dining with Mr.and Mrs. Joseph Estes of Sugar Mtn. No. 2 in Newland. Much to our enjoyment we watched Joe whip up a pot of delicious chowder, the like of which I'd never had the priviledge to enjoy before. And enjoy we did! (Thank you Joe and April. It was our pleasure-and I owe you one!)

1 lb. bacon-cooked and crumbled
2 cups onions-chopped
jalapeno-chopped (however much you're brave enough to add)
Saute these ingredients in 1/4 cup of butter. Add salt and pepper. Add 1 sweet red bell pepper-chopped, 4 cups chopped potatoes, 4 cups water-more if necessary, and more salt to taste if you like.
Cover and simmer until potatoes are done. Add 2 pkgs. frozen corn kernals (blend one package in blender). Cook about 10 minutes or longer then add 1 cup chopped ham. Heat through and add 2 pints half-and-half cream. Heat through and serve with cornbread or crackers.
Take it from someone who knows-you'll want to cook it often-especially if it's a snowy day.

One of the dearest ladies I know, Ms. Lucille Johnson of Crossnore, shared a sweet tomato recipe with me that she and I both adore. Take ripe tomatoes and cut a slice from the tops and remove a good portion of the pulp, leaving shells intact. Chop and add brown sugar. Return to shell and sprinkle with fresh basil. Top with a slice of mozzarella and bake in hot oven just until cheese melts and tomato is warmed. Simple yet divine!

"It's the giving and doing for somebody else...On that, all life's splendor depends...And the joys of this life, when you sum them all up...Are found in the making of friends."

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