Wednesday, January 27, 2010


The secret to making the best lemonade is to extract the aromatic oils from the rinds. Freeze an extra batch in ice cube trays and defrost as needed.

4 lemons
1 cup sugar
1 qt. boiling water

Roll lemons with your palm on a hard surface to soften, then peel, removing only rind, not white pulp. Put the rinds in a large bowl and cover them with sugar. Allow to stand for 30 minutes for the sugar to absorb the lemon oils. Squeeze the peeled lemons in another bowl, removing the seeds but keeping the pulp, set aside.
After 30 minutes pour the boiling water over the sugar and lemon rinds. Add the reserved lemon juice and stir well. Pour into a pitcher and refrigerate until cold. Makes 1 qt.

"If life gives you lemons, make lemonade."-anon

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