Sunday, January 24, 2010


Using fresh shoulder of pork that has not been salted, grind lean portion in a sausage grinder with enough fat from the pork for frying purposes. Be sure that none of the blood clots that might have been in the shoulder are ground with the meat and fat. Season the mixture with 1 tsp. salt per lb. and 1 tsp. ground garden sage per lb. Cut pods from hot red pepper with scissors real fine for seasoning also (2 med. pods for 10lb. of meat). At this point, fry a small piece of the mixture and taste for seasoning to your taste. If you like garlic, grind garlic and add to the mixture (2 pods the size of a golf ball for 10 lb. of meat). Fry mixture made out into small patties until well done. Place hot patties with some of the grease in hot sterile jars and seal. At serving time heat sausage thoroughly, and if you like, make sausage gravy with the drippings after moving the patties to a hot serving platter.

"We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the firt time."-T.S. Elliot

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