Sunday, January 24, 2010


Easy and a nice accompaniment to what ever you may have on your dining table.

2 (16oz.) cans peach halves
3/4 cup brown sugar-firmly packed
2 (3-inch) sticks cinnamon
1 tsp. each of whole cloves and allspice
1/2 cup vinegar

Drain peaches reserving syrup. Add sugar, vinegar and spices in saucepan. Boil 5 minutes and pour over peaches. Put in tightly sealed jar and refrigerate. Serve chilled.
Serves 4

Can use pears or other canned fruit as well.

"Old friends are a comfort to the heart. Like a favorite robe and a familiar song, they wrap you in the warmth of their presence and you understand all the words."-Pat Matusk

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