Saturday, January 30, 2010


This fried chicken is crisp on the outside, juicy on the inside, succulent and tasty, just what fried chicken should be.

My Mama Joe always soaked her Sunday fryers in buttermilk, thus I do mine the same way. Soak the chicken pieces for about an hour in the buttermilk before you are ready to fry it. Sometimes I add hot sauce to the buttermilk as well. Depends on who is going to be eating it.

The success in this recipe comes from allowing the coated chicken to chill in the refrigerator before frying, and from turning it only once during the frying process. I always skin my chicken as well to cut down on the fat. When coated and cooked properly, you will never miss the skin.

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 Tbsp. salt
1 tsp. paprika
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 cup buttermilk
1 tsp. baking powder
3 lbs. chicken pieces-skinned
canola oil

Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl. Next, place buttermilk in another bowl and whisk in baking powder. Dip chicken pieces in buttermilk, then in flour mixture, coating well-get your hands into it. Place on a baking sheet or other shallow pan. Cover with foil. Allow to sit in the refrigerate at least 1 hour but 8 hours or overnight is best.

When ready to fry, heat oil to a depth of 1-inch in an electric or cast iron skillet. Heat electric skillet to 350 degrees or cast-iron skillet over medium heat until oil is hot enough to sizzle when you drop water in it. Add chicken pieces, do not crowd. Each piece needs its own space. Fry 10 to 15 minutes depending on the size of chicken pieces, until crispy, and I do mean crispy. When you turn it , put a lid on it and fry 10 to 15 more minutes without lifting the lid. Don't keep turning the pieces and don't keep lifting the lid. Turn it only once! Drain on paper towels before serving.

"How long does getting thin take? Pooh asked anxiously."-A.A. Milne

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